編集メモ/コミュニティーQ&A のバックアップ(No.1)
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- 1 (2017-03-23 (木) 21:09:32)
- 2 (2017-03-23 (木) 22:20:44)
- 3 (2017-03-24 (金) 11:34:54)
- 4 (2017-07-06 (木) 21:05:29)
requently Asked Community Questionsの翻訳です。
- 幸運ボーナスの特殊能力はどのように機能するか
初回: 25%
それ以外: (100x((3-罠を引いた回数)/残り宝箱数)
100x((3-1)/5) = 40% となる。
0.4x(1-0.06)x(1-0.11) = 0.33464->33.464%
- 幸運ボーナス無しに3つの宝箱を全て開けれる確率は?
- 3. Is there a Werewolf Howl cooldown and how can I trigger it?
The Werewolf Howl has a cooldown of 10 seconds. It also requires one enemy target in range for it to be performed.
4. Is there a way to see the ability range of a pet?
We will include the range of the Pal's special abilities in their stat view in one of our next versions.
5. What is a Beast Boost and how can we get it?
The Beast Boost is explained in the Beasts & Beast Boost Tutorial Video (Link in Beast Menu)
6. How do levels in pal differ, a top player had a better lvl 1 pal than me, how is it derived?
The strenght of your Pal also scales with your Hero Level. That way an appropriate support by your Pal can always be ensured. For more info on the Pals make sure to watch the Video in the Pal Menu. 7. Are beasts permanent once unlocked?
Beasts remain unlocked for an Alliance. If players leave an alliance, they will also lose access to that Beast. 8. Is there a set for the stats of skeletons spawned by the necromancer?
The level of the Skeletons scales with the Necromancer's level.
HP: 1000-1730, DPS: 382-1292, DMG:450-1520 9. Is it possible for a heal tower to heal a nearby tower?
Heal Towers are able to heal allied units and towers/obstacles. They cannot, however, heal themselves or other Heal Towers. 10. Why are medals so low in a particular stage for the mid level player?
In general, players will receive more medals the stronger the enemy is, they are attacking. 11. Are there infinite shots from a skull tower or bombs are limited?
A Skull Tower will provide hails of bombs for as long as it lives. 12. Is there a concrete limit to forges?
There is currently no limit to forges. We are planning on setting one in the future, however.
13. Is there a limit on workers that can be bought or there is a cap of price at a particular point?
Players can buy a total of 20 workers. There is no price cap. 14. Is it possible to get values on gargoyle spawn range from a gargoyle's nest?
The lowest level Garygoyle Tower with the lowest level Gargoyle Nest Boost has a minimum range of 3m. The highest level Garygoyle Tower with the highest level Gargoyle Nest Boost has a minimum range of 7m. 15. Doom gate bomb spawn values are given as a %, so do they correlate with the mortar/pyromancer level or they are independent?
The %-value indicates the Doom Gate HP-% at which the Gate will fire a wave of projectiles. The power of its projectiles does not reflect the Mortar's or Pyromancer's projectiles' power, as they are independent. 16. Can we have a minimum gold reward based off say king level for war fights. Adjusted based on normal offering.
We will increase the amount of Gold earned per war-battle in one of the next updates. 17. Can we get more wardrobe slots?
Yes. We are planning on adding more Wardrobe Slots in one of our next versions. 18. Can we have daily events like at Christmas, these even if average gold provide a opportunity and regulating feature for players. To be able to play get a reasonable reward for attacks in times of very low gold not only introduces more non player gold but provides a opportunity for people to always play. Right now many just stop fighting till things improve or wait for event.
Festivals will be part of the game much more often. 19. How is XP from a base calculated?
The XP earned in a battle depends on the type of troops, towers and obstacles and their level. 20. Videos... this is a major problem for many. If no videos are available then there is no revenue for flare until they are.
We try to support as many players as possible by constantly adding more Ad-networks. Unfortunately the frequency of ad-offers are not controllable by us. 21. Blunt damage can be forged on bladestorm, is the blunt damage spread over 5 seconds or happens completely upon casting or it deals that damage per tick for 5 seconds?
The complete Blunt Damage is dealt right upon casting the spell. 22. How long is the cooldown between 2 legendary chests obtained via video, or does it differ?
It differs. 23. The scrolls, Apocalypse and Armageddon hit a fixed number of targets or everything within that range?
Apocalypse and Armageddon hit everything in their range. 24. Does the effects of a spell diminish as it gets farther? (Will a blizzard casted near a skull tower in a range of 1.00 deal more damage compared to a skull tower 5.00 away)
The effect stays the same, regardless of the distance.
25. What is the range of each path tile?
The range of a path tile is 5m. 26. Is there a lower limit on fiefdoms?
An alliance with a fiefdom count of below 3 will be given the needed fiefdoms to participate in the war. 27. Why does damage of cannons decrease when boosted
While the damage decreases, the attack rate of boosted cannons increases considerably. So while they don't deal as much damage, they attack much more often.
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